
Thanks Mark. Small bets all the way. And surely on the team you want to win. I was surprised to learn that one of my friends (on here in fact) bets against his team/player. Each to their own, I guess...

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I've only ever laid one bet in my life, which was for Alan Shearer to score first during England v. Scotland in Euro 96. I had to be accompanied by a friend to show me how to fill out the betting slip.

The resulting win certainly contributed to my enjoyment of the match, watched in an evenly split Scottish/English shared house, and with a side bet that the losers would run the length of our road in their underwear (in Brixton, South London) after the match.

So yes, I can certainly attest the happiness boost that a small flutter can bring.

I did have to spend the winnings buying everyone a pint in the pub afterwards however.

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Very cool. All these years I've been scared of betting. My father and grandfather were inveterate gamblers according to my mother and grandma. Turns out they were having fun and living life. Moderation is the key. I'm going start making small bets to heighten experiences.

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